Sunday, August 01, 2010

Shadow On The Road

I was looking out the window at the office and I noticed this shadow on the roadway. I thought to myself, "What an odd shaped shadow to be cast on the roadway", "Where is is coming from?", so I grabbed my camera and snapped this first shot from inside the office, (you can see the screen in the picture). Then I had to investigate what object was casting this shadow on the roadway.

I went outside and once the traffic cleared I took a few more shots. It was a long shadow and was hard to get the entire thing in the shot.

It reminded me of a tennis racket.

However, this particular shadow was beeing projected on the roadway from the electrical wires hanging overhead. I guess it is some sort of connector for the wires. I took a close up and then panned out to show the connector and the wires it is joining.

So this is my Shadow Shot for this week. I had fun capturing these and am glad that participating in Shadow Shot Sunday has given me a different way of viewing the shadows that I encounter from day to day.


  1. What fun to discover the mystery of this shadow. It does look like a tennis racket!

  2. Super shadow shot - once we start taking part in SSS, it's amazing where we find shadows!

  3. Hi Jeanette:

    We have those wire-hanging-tennis-racket-looking thingies in our area, too. Your capture of the shadow came out great!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for commenting on my Shadow Shot.

    - Square Peg Guy

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