Okay, here they are, pictures of our new home. We are still getting settled in and have not completely gotten everything like we want it. As you can see we still have some work to do on the yard. The buikder had sewn the whole yard with seed, but we have had very little rain. Barry sewed it again just this week and it has actually rained a bit, plus he waters it every evening, so hopefully we will have grass soon.
On to the inside............................
This is my kitchen. The pictures are a little dark ( Iguess I lack Dianna's flair for photography).
I'm not sure if you can see them or not, but my lighthouses are on top of the cabinets and I plan to put up either a border or wallpaper (with lighthouses of course) in here as soon as I can find one that I want. I am debating on going with paper behind and at the top of the cabinets, as it is so much easier to keep clean in the cooking area, or just putting up a wide border all around the kitchen part. Guess it will depend on what I can find. I'll have to take more pics when I get it completed.
So many of the ones we saw were cherry and I am more partial to oak. I wanted something that wasn't too fancy.
So many of the pieces we saw were so fancy......they were beautiful with all their carvings and such, but too fancy for my taste.
This one was perfect. I want my things to be the focus instead of the cabinet.
Next, we have Lindsey's bath. I think we have a thing for this fun fish theme. This is a least the third house that I have had this in. It is bright colors and "FUN" plus the fact that it has different colors in it, so it can be used with several colors. This is good, since I haven't decided the color that I want to paint the bath room just yet.
All of the rooms in the house are the same color. I guess you would call them a beige or light tan. I plan on changing that. Maybe not right away, but soon.
I don't mind painting or putting up wallpaper. To me that is personalizing things.
Just like the front yard, the back needs some work on the grass, but we will get it there eventually.
The sub-division is new and is still under construction. They are in the process of adding more houses and will be putting up streetlights soon. It will be a nice place to live. I hope that there will be a family move in with someone (girls hopefully) Lindsey's age.
At this time there are only 5 houses in our little cul de sac.
The next street over has about that many under construction.
It seems like they would finish one before starting on another, but oh well. We'll just enjoy being the only ones living on this street.
It took us almost two weeks to get our mail switched, because this wasn't on a mail route.
I bet the mail carrier hates having to come here with us being the only house in the sub-division that he has to deliver to. That will change, I know, but it is kind of funny.
Anyway, that is the house (or at least the parts of it that I want to show pics of). The rest of the house is still not quite like I want it to be and I will post more pics as I get things where they need to be.
We had to finish all the closets in the house, so the bed rooms have taken a bit longer to get organized. But, I'll get it there............