Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Our Holiday

Hope that everyone has had a Wonderful Christmas. I know we have.

All of the kids were here, we did things a little different this year, we took turns opening our gifts one at a time so that everyone could see what we received. It was nice.

Michael has had some car problems, his car would not start. So some of the last minute things did not get done, but everything was fine. We still managed to have a great time without a few of the things that we had planned on having.

I have had a sinus infection for about a week, been taking amoxicillin/clauv, but it seems to have gotten worse. I awoke with a bad case of pink eye on Christmas morning. Just feel wiped out, so I pretty much slept most of the day. I had some antibiotic eye drops, so I began putting them in my eye. Michael has done all the cooking and waited on me hand and foot. He has really been great.

I had to work this morning, but sure didn't feel like it. Michael drove me to work, took my car so that he could see about getting his repaired. I stayed about three hours, got my department organized and de-Christmased and then I left. Michael picked me up,we stopped at the pharmacy to get a different antibiotic for me (Cefalor), we retrieved his car, he went back to work and I came home to hold down the couch and to let all the meds do their thing. Hopefully they will kick in real soon.

1 comment:

  1. If you stop by the store to get a new drug that does the same thing as a drug you already have, YOU MIGHT BE A DRUG ADDICT!!!!!!If you need any advise on the holding down of the couch, give me a yell. I have a lot of experience.


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