Thursday, October 30, 2008

Having A Me Day

It's a peaceful day........The sound of silence fills the house. The only noise to be heard is the puppy running across the hardwood floor or his slight growl as he tugs on one of his chew toys.
Michael is out of town, Lindsey is at school and I am enjoying the silence. No t.v., no radio, just Quiet! Soon the house will be filled with the sound of music, tv, the voices of my family, but for now I will enjoy the quiet. Maybe I'll get some cleaning and laundry taken care of while there are no distractions. No one saying I need or I want this or that.

Don't get me wrong, I Love my family dearly, but sometimes I do love the peace and quiet. The ME time. Time to do what I want to do. If I want to clean...I clean. If I want to play on the computer......I play on the computer. If I want to watch tv......I watch tv. If I want to sleep......I sleep, and so on........

So for now I am having a ME DAY. A rejunvination of me. So that when my family returns this afternoon and evening, I will be relaxed and can enjoy their company.

1 comment:

  1. Going to the bathroom without hearing soneone yell," Turn the Fan on". Now thats a me day. Hope you enjoyed your day!


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